Using Datapacks on Minecraft Realms

Recently my brother Simeon started a Minecraft survival multiplayer server. We had previously hosted a server, but this time we hosted it on the official Minecraft servers, which they offer for a price of $7 at the regular option, but one major difference from using a 3rd p[arty hosting service is that there is barely any configuration for plugins and mods, etc. The main reason is because of the server running on plain Vanilla Minecraft. But I did some research and found that I could add data packs to the realm by creating the world first in singleplayer, then loading the data pack, and then when you upload the world to the realm, it keeps the data pack. The data pack I used is a Multiplayer Sleep data pack (link here.) This is an amazing alternative to plugins (although I prefer plugins over data packs) but if you have a realm, this will definitely help replace the need for plugins